Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday's Weapon! {10.27.10}

Psalm 78:7-- "That they may set their HOPE in God"
Proverbs 13:12-- "HOPE deferred makes the heart sick."
Romans 5:5--
"And HOPE does not disappoint."

You have to get this on the inside of you- there is ALWAYS hope in God! He is the giver of hope, and without Him, you can be helpless and hopeless. God’s Word always gives His people hope. It always encourages and never discourages. I have heard people say, “Don’t get your hopes ups”. To that I say, “Go ahead, get your hopes up!” As long as you have God’s Word to back you, then hope big, and add a little rejoicing in with it. That is faith and faith pleases God.

Thank you Father that I can have hope in You. I expect Your promises to come to pass in my life. My hope in You will never disappoint me. I can hope “BIG” because You are a big God. I chose to get my hopes up now, and refuse to believe for anything less than your best in my life.

P Lloyd

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