Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday's Weapon! {01.26.11}

Prayers That Prosper
James 5:16 "the effective fervent prayers of the righteous avails much."
Mark 11:24 "whatever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive."

Praying is a way that we can communicate with God. It is also a way for tremendous power to be released. The prayer of faith is a powerful weapon against the enemy. I believe praying right, will cause right things to happen in our lives. There are many kinds of prayers. A prayer of thanksgiving, just telling God of your appreciation of Him. Then there are prayers that have ability to cause things to line up in our lives. These are fervent prayers that are backed by the Word of God. Prayers that are prayed in faith, believing that something is going to change. Study out different kinds of prayers and began to pray prayers that prosper!

Thank you Father that we have been given Your Word, so that we can know how to pray about situations in life. Help us to see the value, and the power, that can be released when we pray in faith. Thank You that your ears are always open to the cry of the righteous. Thank you that you always watch over Your Word to perform it. Amen.
~Pastor Lloyd

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wednesday's Weapon! {01.20.11}


Mark 5:36 "... Do not be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE!"
Luke 1:37 "For with God NOTHING will be impossible."

Sometimes, we have to be reminded that the God we serve knows no impossibilities. One translation in the Word says, that nothing will ever be impossible for Him. Once we get a revelation of this, it will allow us to believe Him in spite of our problems. The situation may look hopeless, but He brings hope to it with His Word. Our part is to believe. Jesus told one guy, “do not fear, only believe”. When fear attacks your mind, let it be a reminder for you to, Only Believe. With God nothing will ever be impossible!

Thank you Father that we can always depend on you. Even when it seems all hope is lost. We chose to believe you. We refuse to allow fear to dominate us. We are so ever thankful that with you nothing will ever be impossible. Amen.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday's Weapon! {01.05.11}


Hebrews 12:2-3 "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith"
Matthew 14: 28-33
"...and when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus."

What you focus on is a powerful thing. To focus, means that you have a point of concentration. It is a specific thing that you are looking at that has your attention. We are to look or focus on Jesus, or today, His Word. Peter walked on water as long as his focus was on Him. When he began to look at the situation around him, it took his focus off the Word, and he began to sink. Find a Word from the Word that you need to focus on, and don’t allow anything to distract you.. If God said it, He can do it! If He spoke it, He can bring it to pass!

Thank you Father that Your Word is my Rock to stand on. Your Word is Truth. I will focus on Your Word and not be shaken by the storms of life. Just as your Word allowed Peter to walk on water, so it will allow me to overcome and come out victorious.

P Lloyd