Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday Weapon 11.16.11

I Corinthians 15: 57 & 58...thanks be to god that gives us
the victory through Jesus Christ

Victory comes as a result of some kind of opposition. We overcome it, we get through it, because of God’s help in our lives.
The next verse begins with, therefore. "Therefore be steadfast, immovable and always
abounding in the work of the Lord."

During the process of overcoming, we have a part to play. We
are not to be full of doubt and fear. We are to be abounding, declaring the
power of the Word of God. Expecting that at any moment our victory will show

The Amplified says, "always being superior, excelling, doing
more than enough." We sometimes wonder, are we doing enough? The Word tells us we
should be doing more than enough.

I always say, “Do what you know to do”!. The key is in doing, knowing alone is not enough. Faith without works is dead.

The scripture says, thanks be to God, so begin by thanking Him for your victory, your overcoming. Being thankful to Him for always leading you to a place of victory. As your praise goes up, His power can come down!

P Lloyd

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Weapon 11.2.11

I Samuel 29:6/8...shall I pursue? Yes persue, and you shall recover all.

I am doing a part two on," Shall I Persue?". Have you ever put forth a lot of energy to pursue something that you later wished that you had not? Kind of like a dog chasing cars, and then one day he catches it, and it turned out to be a bad thing.

Some things we are to pursue in life. It is always good to know that God has your back. If you are pursuing things that He says you can have, then He will help you to acheive those things.
You have every right to pursue health, joy, peace and strength because of His Word that promises it is yours.

You have a right to have abundant life, to have a great day today, to expect blessings and to be a blessing.

David ask of the Lord, "shall I persue"? Maybe you need to inquire of the Lord in areas of your life that you are not sure what to do. He always has knows what is right for you.

Thank you Father for Your Word that allows me to know some things that are already mine, that I have a right to. For those things that I need Your wisdom and guidance, thank you for directing me in the ways that I need to go.