Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday's Weapon! {10.06.10}

I’m Special!

II Corinthians 10:12-13 "We do not compare ourselves with others…"
Romans 12:6
"We have gifts that differ according to the grace given us."
{please read these scriptures}

We live in a day where so many “compare” their lives to others. The cars they drive, clothes they wear, houses they live in and even their size. You were created to be YOU. “Things” can be a blessing in life, but being envious of others is not being thankful for who you are and what you have.
I think we should do our best to be “all we can be”. You have great potential inside you. When God called me into ministry, He knew what He placed in me that I did not even know was there. You are special to God. I am so glad that He did not make us all a like. Be all God called you to be, and that is where you will find peace.

Thank you Father that I am me. You have made me special. My desire, is to be all that you have destined me to be. Thank you for helping me change the things that I need to change, in order to be pleasing in your sight. I can do all things through You because YOU are my strength. Amen.

Pastor Lloyd

1 comment:

Ronnie said...

Great word from Pastor Lloyd! Thanks for sharing!