Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday's Weapon! {10.13.10}

The Great Exchange!

II Corinthians 5:21- "...that we might become the righteousness of God."
I Corinthians 2:12- "We have received the Spirit who is from God… "

Jesus took our sinfulness and imparted to us His righteousness. Which means if you know Jesus as Savior, we are in right standing with God. That does not mean we have reached perfection in the eyes of men, but we have in the eyes of God. We can now stand in the presence of God through the precious blood of Christ. You and I were once a "nobody," but He has made us to be "some body." We are not bragging on us, but on Him and all that He has accomplished for us. We can at anytime come to Him and find help in a time of need.

Thank you Father for making me someone I could never be on my own. Righteous in your sight. I will not think of myself as anything less or anything more than what you think of me. Thank you that I can stand in your presence without any sense of guilt, shame, inferiority, or condemnation.

P Lloyd

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