Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday's Weapon! {09.29.10}

Proverbs 12:25 "Worry or anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression."

Philippians 4:6 "Don’t worry about anything but pray about everything."

One of the greatest weapons that can be used against us is worry. Worry is always an enemy to our faith and trust in God. You can’t worry and have faith at the same time. Worry will keep you up at night, it can even harm your physical body. Jesus knew all this and He made sure that we knew it to. If something harms you then you would want to stop doing it, right? Worry harms us, so lets trust God and stop doing it!

Thank you Father for making me aware of the harm that worry can have on my life. Every time I realize that I am worrying, I will be reminded to pray. Help me to focus on your goodness toward me. That you will never leave or forsake me in my times of trouble. I release every opportunity to worry and exchange it for praise to you. I place my trust in you.

P Lloyd

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