Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wednesday Weapon 10.26.11

I Timothy 6:12..."fight the good fight of faith."

What determines a good fight? I guess it could be whether you win or loose, but Paul in several places talks about the, fight of faith.
 How do you fight with faith? The fight is to stay in faith. It is easy to get into the natural part of the fight, instead of standing on the Word of God, and allowing Him to fight the battle. Your part is to believe that God has your back, according to the Word. Not just because you think you are right, but because you have His Word to stand on. If you have a promise from His Word, then why give up on the victory, that will ultimately be yours. Paul said, that what God has promised, He is also able to perform.

Thank you Father that Your Word is truth. I can stand on Your Word in faith, trusting and believing that you have my back. Say that out loud, "God has my back!" You might want to say that several times a day. That is a great thing to know. Regardless of the problems you face, if you have the Word of God on it, you have a right to fight, stay in faith and get the victory.

P Lloyd

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