Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday Weapon

Hebrews 12:1.... let US lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us.
I Peter 5:7... casting all of our care on Him for He cares for us

I am going to be talking Wednesday about, "Watching Your Weights!" I am not talking about body weight, but the weights of life that can easily get you down. I have noticed that sometimes people with a hurtful past, are still living in it today. That would mean their past, has not passed. It is still present in their thought life, and can effect them like a ball and chain. It can become a weight, that ensnares them, and still has an effect on their life.

Jesus has told us in His Word that we can give that pain, that hurt, to Him, because He cares enough about us to take it. The key words are, let US lay aside, and OUR casting of OUR cares. Give it all to Jesus, let Him set you free.

Thank you Father that I can give my past to You, and move on to what You have in store for me. I refuse to allow my past to dictate to me my future. I lay them aside, I cast them on You, because You love me that much. Thank You for setting me free from all that has had me bound. I chose to move forward to the things that are ahead.

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