Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Staying Attached

   6- 22-11                                          Staying Attached
John 15:4&5 Abide in Me and I in you, I am the vine, you are the branch.
Attachment is  very important. What you are attached to, becomes a part of you. In the world that we live, it is so easy to become attached to things that can "Detach" you from the things of God. They don't have to be bad things, but when they detach or seperate us from Him, then they become bad. Priority is everything. Jesus tells us to seek Him first, then the things that we need can be added to us. He tells us in these verses that without Him, we can do nothing. He is refering to things of the Kingdom of God. We can still live life as everyone else, but we seperate ourselves from the One who can give us life abundantly. Take a look at your life today. Is their anything that you have attached to, that is pulling you away from Him? If so, then get priorities in order, reattach to Him, so He can be envolved in you life to a greater degree.
Thank you Father for Your Word, it is a lamp unto my feet. Thank you for showing me those things that have attached themselves to me, and have gotten my priorities out of order. I ask for Your help, that I can have the wisdom that I need, to help me get things back to where they need to be. I desire that You be number one in my life. More than anything else I desire to be attached to You.
P Lloyd

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