Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I John 1:4... that your joy might be full
John 8:37... that My Word has no place in you

The Bible tell us that when we have a relationship with God, that it will bring us a fullness of joy. It goes on to say that many people have never come to know Him, because His Word had no place in them. God’s Word is a light to our lives. The only way to know God, is through His Word. The entrance of His Word brings light, and understanding. To have a relationship with someone, you must spend time with them. Time spent with God and His Word, will never be a waste of time. The more you get to know Him, the more you will want to serve Him, and it will become easy to trust Him.

Father, forgive me for neglecting You, and Your Word. I want the joy that only comes through knowing you. I will spend more time with You from now on, and enjoy Your Word and our relationship. I declare from this time forth, Your Word will find a place in my heart.
P Lloyd

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

IT’s Possible!

Matthew 19:26...all things are possible to those who believe.
Romans 8:37...yet in all these things we are more than conquerors.

I don’t know what you may be facing right now. It may seem to be totally impossible, in the natural, for things to turn around. The good news is, that it is possible with God on your side. If you can believe His Word, then you can get started in the right direction to see a turn around.

All things are possible to the one who can dare to believe God and His Word. Your believing, activates God’s ability, to get involved in you situation. It may not change overnight, but something begins when you start believing.

Thank you Father that Your Word declares that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. I believe that all things are possible with you. I believe that a turn around has to begin in my situation right now, as I activate my faith in an all powerful God! Thank You for making me more than a conqueror.
P Lloyd

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Restful Alertness

Matthew 11: 28/30 -- Come unto me all who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest.
I Peter 5:7-- casting all of your care upon me, for I care for you.

I did a quick read on lions and found that they rest 20 hours a day. Lions are not always sleeping, they are at rest, yet with an alertness of their surroundings. I call it, "Restful Alertness".

Jesus is the giver of rest and peace to us. I think that we to should always be alert, aware of our surroundings. Everyday we deal with the the cares of life. I believe that we should do it with the rest and peace that He offers to us. He says, "I will give you rest."

Since He gives it, then we have to recieve it. One scripture says we are to enter into His rest. As you go through life, make it your goal to start your day entering into His rest.

Thank you Father that you have given me rest for today. I chose to enter into that rest right now. I chose to live my days with a restful alertness. I cast every care on you today, and deal with every situation with peace and rest from you. Than you for the gift of rest.

P Lloyd

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Going Through To Get To

A lot of people are going through things in life. You might say, ”that’s me!” Well, as long as you are going through, at least you are headed somewhere. Momentum is important, if you lose momentum, a forward motion, your stuck!

When you become stuck, you just sit there. Your bogged down, and headed nowhere. We can cry out, I’m stuck! Maybe we should cry out, Help me, I’m stuck!

You have to want help. God will help you if you will ask Him to. Read Isaiah 43:1&2. He let us know that He can make a road in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert place.

The Apostle Paul says, that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. We have to have His strength, to go through things, and come out victorious. I don’t want to just go through, I want to come out victorious.

Joining us tomorrow morning for Sunday School at 9:30, and Worship Service at 10:30. I believe God has a Word that will help you to come out victorious!

Pastor Lloyd

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Faith Like A Seed

Good Saturday to each of you, boy did it get cold or what,but just like the Rapture, Spring is coming and nothing can stop it.

Tomorrow I am going to talk about how much God desires to bless you. It doesn't matter where you are at the present time, good, bad or ugly, His intent is to bless you.

We have to remember that God is a rewarder of diligence, obedience, and faithfulness. He keeps that no secret throughout His Word.

He even says that you can try Him, test Him in this, and see if He will not pour out upon you, more blessings than you can imagine.The blessing of peace,health,joy,favor and life to its abundance!

If you want to hear about how much God loves you, and has a great future for you, come with faith and expectancy, ready to recieve!

See you in the morning. Sunday School for all ages starts at 9:30, worship service at 10:30 with Childrens Church beginning after praise and worship.

P Lloyd

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday's Weapon {03.02.11}

Sticking Your Neck Out!

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen."
Romans 5:5
".…the God kind of hope does not disappoint"

I do a lot of teaching on the subject of faith. We read that without faith, we cannot please God. I have found through the years that to walk by faith, you have to sometimes “stick you neck out”. You have to just step out and declare something, or do something, totally based on trusting in the Lord.
The neat thing about that is, He will always do His part. Once you know that you have received instruction through His Word, or by His Spirit, He will be there to help you and to bring victory into your life. So go ahead today and “stick your neck out”, trust God and see what He does in your life.

Thank you Father that you always honor our acts of true faith. Thank you for direction today to know what we are to do that will be pleasing in Your sight. Thank you for the leading of You Holy Spirit that always leads us in victory. Amen.

P Lloyd