Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday Weapon {11.24.10}

Give Thanks

Psalm 100:4 " thankful to Him and bless His name…"
Verse 5
"...for the Lord is good…"
I Thessalonians 5:18
"In everything give thanks…"

I don’t know what you are going through as you read this column. You may have some things going on that have tested your faith, or even tired your mind and body. In the middle of it all, God’s Word still tells us to give thanks. Why would He require us to give thanks? Because in the middle of your situation, you are still acknowledging Him as God. As you do this He has every right to get involved in your life. You are not thanking Him for the struggles, but for His participation in your life that will change things on your behalf. Everyday should be a day of Thanksgiving.

Thank you Father that you do care about everything that I have to face in life. You are always faithful to Your Word. Thank You for always being mindful of me. You are a good God at all times. In anything, and everything I face, I will honor You by giving You thanks.

From my Family to yours,
Happy Thanksgiving!
P Lloyd

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday's Weapon! {11.17.10}

Don’t Give Up!

Galatians 6:9.…."Let us not grow weary while doing good"
Jeremiah 1:12... "I watch over My Word to perform it"

Sometimes giving up is easier than hanging in there, but anyone can give up! The Bible calls it weariness. We don’t just become weary overnight. It has to grow on us. Have you become weary lately because of a situation that is not working out as quickly as you would like? Weariness is a product of our thinking. Stop thinking that way. The Word says, "In due season you will reap if you do not quit". Began to declare, I have a due season on its way and I refuse to give up and quit. God is watching over His Word to perform it!

Thank you Father that Your Word is Truth. I walk by faith according to Your Word. I will not allow weariness to control my thoughts. I will stay with Your Word, and I know that it will not fail. I choose to praise You for Your Word that always prevails. I have a due season that can come forth any time, I refuse to quit!

P Lloyd

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday's Weapon! {11.10.10}

Wrong Ain’t Right!

Psalm 37:3,4&5 "…trust.... delight.... and commit your ways to the Lord"
Psalm 119:105 "Your Word is a lamp and light unto my path"

We live in a day when it seems anything goes. Some of the things that we use to see as wrong, now it has become right. We as Christians need a standard that we can live by. I believe that should be the Word of God. The Word is not difficult to live by when our attitude and priorities are right. When our desire is to please Him, and not them, it will not be a burden, but a blessing for us to follow. God says that His Word is a "lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path." He declares that in His Word, we will find rest for our soul.

Father I thank you for you Word, that it is always right and never wrong. In it there is direction, protection and fulfillment. Thank you for helping me to follow your ways, knowing that my days can be days of peace. Help me to see Your Word as a delight and never a burden. I will strive to place great value upon Your Word. I will set it as a standard for my life.

P. Lloyd

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday's Weapon! {11.03.10}

I Have Value
Psalm 139:14 "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Ephesians 2:10
"I am His workmanship created in Christ Jesus."

I think that we fail to see just how valuable that we are in God's eyes. He placed so much value upon you that He gave His own son to die for you. The Bible says that you are a part of the Body of Christ. Though there are many members, you have a place, a part in that body. Your life counts for something. God placed so much value on you that He made you only a little lower than Himself! You may have been what you thought as a nobody, but through Jesus Christ you have been made a somebody!

Father, I thank you that you place great value upon my life. Since value is determined by what someone is willing to pay. You showed how much you valued me by giving Your Son to die for me. He paid for my sins, and allowed me to become a part of the Body of Christ. I am Yours and You are mine. I have great value because of You! Amen.

P Lloyd