Blessings To All
Like it or not the New Year is upon us. I am excited about it. I always look forward to a new beginning , forgetting some of the past and moving into the things that are ahead.
I believe that this New Year is going to be a year of opportunity. A time to step out of our comfort zones and into the arms of God as we operate in the faith that we have been given.
Make no mistake about it, faith is still a “GOD Pleaser”. It is still something that He says He will reward. We are told not to cast away our confidence that has great reward.
It is always easier to stay in the boat than to step out on the water and walk. Look at the story Peter had to tell and others told, and we are still telling it many years later.
Some tend to think more on the fact that Peter sunk. I like to think about the fact that He walked first, and He walked last. And when he went down, Jesus was there to left him back up!
Don’t be afraid to step out of your boat this new year with opportunities to trust God. He is still pleased with your faith and trust in Him . He is still one that rewards faith.
May the rest of your days be the best of your days. Blessed New Year!
Pastor Lloyd
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Word From The Word
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. By the time you get this letter we will be into December 2009 and that just seems unreal doesn’t it.
It sure has been a quick year. We have had a lot of things to happen during the end of 2008 and most of 2009. We have had good things mixed with a lot of “not so good”.
Cheryl went through 10 months of chemo and radiation. She was and is still a Trooper. You can’t tell anything ever happen to her. She is an example of how you can go through and “grow” through a bad situation and come out the Victor!
I had a motorcycle accident November first that sent me to the hospital for two days. I had an ambulance ride that I don’t remember and a ride on a chopper that is pretty faint to. I broke a bunch of stuff and I am still recovering from it speedily!
Didn’t mean to take so much room telling you this but it goes with a message I preached, “The Waiting Process”. We have learned how to wait Scripturally and see God raise us up when things tried to pull us down.
I don’t know what you are going through as you read this but I do know there is a way to Victory and God’s Word when acted upon will bring you out more that a conquer! Our confession is, “the rest of our days are the best of our days!” Please read Isaiah 40:28-31
We pray God’s best over you and from my family to yours, Merry Christmas!
Pastor Lloyd
It sure has been a quick year. We have had a lot of things to happen during the end of 2008 and most of 2009. We have had good things mixed with a lot of “not so good”.
Cheryl went through 10 months of chemo and radiation. She was and is still a Trooper. You can’t tell anything ever happen to her. She is an example of how you can go through and “grow” through a bad situation and come out the Victor!
I had a motorcycle accident November first that sent me to the hospital for two days. I had an ambulance ride that I don’t remember and a ride on a chopper that is pretty faint to. I broke a bunch of stuff and I am still recovering from it speedily!
Didn’t mean to take so much room telling you this but it goes with a message I preached, “The Waiting Process”. We have learned how to wait Scripturally and see God raise us up when things tried to pull us down.
I don’t know what you are going through as you read this but I do know there is a way to Victory and God’s Word when acted upon will bring you out more that a conquer! Our confession is, “the rest of our days are the best of our days!” Please read Isaiah 40:28-31
We pray God’s best over you and from my family to yours, Merry Christmas!
Pastor Lloyd
Monday, October 5, 2009
October- Word From The Word
I do believe Fall has arrived. It is amazing how suddenly the weather can change. I thought it was neat that the day Fall was suppose to be here it was right on the money according to the calendar.
I think it is neat when God changes situation with a suddenly. Boom! And everything has changed. I will forever remember years ago when God suddenly healed me of Arthritis and Hypoglycemia. I had problems for a long time and He spoke to me plain as day and said I have healed you and like the woman with the issue of blood, I felt something happen.
I am glad that He is still the same God of yesterday, today and forever. Maybe you need a suddenly from the Lord, I don’t know if it will happen like that, but I do believe that all things are possible to those that believe.
I don’t mean that you should believe only for a suddenly, but believe God for the need to be meet. Jesus said to the woman, YOUR FAITH has made you whole. If her faith did it for her, our faith can do it for us.
Have a great October and May God’s very best be yours.
Pastor Lloyd
I think it is neat when God changes situation with a suddenly. Boom! And everything has changed. I will forever remember years ago when God suddenly healed me of Arthritis and Hypoglycemia. I had problems for a long time and He spoke to me plain as day and said I have healed you and like the woman with the issue of blood, I felt something happen.
I am glad that He is still the same God of yesterday, today and forever. Maybe you need a suddenly from the Lord, I don’t know if it will happen like that, but I do believe that all things are possible to those that believe.
I don’t mean that you should believe only for a suddenly, but believe God for the need to be meet. Jesus said to the woman, YOUR FAITH has made you whole. If her faith did it for her, our faith can do it for us.
Have a great October and May God’s very best be yours.
Pastor Lloyd
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September- Word From The Word
As you read this letter I hope all is well with you and yours! If you are like me, you are longing for some cooler and wet weather to be on its way. I saw on the weather channel that this was the fourth hottest summer recorded with 54 days over 100 degrees. One thing for sure, change is on the way.
I believe that change is coming to the Body of Christ too. I think that we have to have change or we will continue to go in the wrong direction for the most part. I heard a preacher say the other day that we, the Christians, are a lot of the reason that we are in the mess that this nation is in.
To many have stopped preaching Jesus and the power of God through the Holy Spirit. We are raising up a generation that is a stranger to the move of God and His power. These things ought not to be so!
I believe that we are living in a day that we need to check our on hearts and see if their might be room for change in us. Maybe if we would make some adjustment it would have a positive effect on those that we come in contact with.
Our Government has certainly brought change, maybe it is time for us to bring in some change that will be for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. I hope you have a great September!
Be blessed by God’s best!
Pastor Lloyd
I believe that change is coming to the Body of Christ too. I think that we have to have change or we will continue to go in the wrong direction for the most part. I heard a preacher say the other day that we, the Christians, are a lot of the reason that we are in the mess that this nation is in.
To many have stopped preaching Jesus and the power of God through the Holy Spirit. We are raising up a generation that is a stranger to the move of God and His power. These things ought not to be so!
I believe that we are living in a day that we need to check our on hearts and see if their might be room for change in us. Maybe if we would make some adjustment it would have a positive effect on those that we come in contact with.
Our Government has certainly brought change, maybe it is time for us to bring in some change that will be for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. I hope you have a great September!
Be blessed by God’s best!
Pastor Lloyd
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August- Word From The Word
I hope all is well with you and yours. I preached a message Sunday entitled, “Get Over It!” I think their are a lot of things in life that we need to get over so that we can move on to the things that are ahead.
Paul said, this one thing I do, forgetting the things that are behind and reach for the things that are ahead. He refers to life as being in a race and that we should run with the attitude of a winner and not a whiner.
He tells us to lay aside weights of life that can so easily ensnare us or trap us. You have never seen a runner dressed up in heavy clothing in a race. No, they wear as little as possible so that they are not hindered by the weight.
Bitterness, unforgivenes, disappointments and even failures need to be dealt with or they will become weights that can trap us and we can live that way for years.
God will help you with things that you may realize you need to deal with. Ask for His help, He knows how to give you what you need to become free from things that have been on your heart for years.
Pastor Lloyd
To listen to the sermon, "Get Over It" along with other messages from Pastor Lloyd, visit our website: Miracle Christian Center
Paul said, this one thing I do, forgetting the things that are behind and reach for the things that are ahead. He refers to life as being in a race and that we should run with the attitude of a winner and not a whiner.
He tells us to lay aside weights of life that can so easily ensnare us or trap us. You have never seen a runner dressed up in heavy clothing in a race. No, they wear as little as possible so that they are not hindered by the weight.
Bitterness, unforgivenes, disappointments and even failures need to be dealt with or they will become weights that can trap us and we can live that way for years.
God will help you with things that you may realize you need to deal with. Ask for His help, He knows how to give you what you need to become free from things that have been on your heart for years.
Pastor Lloyd
To listen to the sermon, "Get Over It" along with other messages from Pastor Lloyd, visit our website: Miracle Christian Center
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
July- Word From The Word
Greeting in the name of the Lord! Wow, I do believe summer time has more than just arrived, it came in like a lion. We are praying for rain here at MCC and maybe by the time you get this letter we will have already gotten it!
The title to one of my latest messages is ”Y.S.I.N.H.” This is not Hebrew, it just means that Your Situation Is Not Hopeless!! Regardless what you may be facing, there is hope in the Word and the God of the Word! God still has a plan for your life and it is... "good, to give you a future and a hope."
In the day we live there is lots of “trash” talk going around. You hear it at the store, at work and on the news. I thought I would like to be the bearer of good news, Jesus is still the same yesterday, today and forever. He is not worried about the economy or how He will meet your needs. We sometimes forget that it is according to His riches in Glory in Christ Jesus!
Faith in the Word still pleases God. He still rewards it. If you will keep doing what you are suppose to according to the Word, God will still do His part. He doesn’t have a shortage, there is no recession in Heaven!! If you are thinking that is only good for those that are in Heaven you must have forgotten that manna came down from Heaven.
Our God is a way maker! Nothing is to difficult for Him. Your Situation Is Not Hopeless! Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. Enjoy the heat and hope you have a great Fourth of July Holiday!
Pastor Lloyd
The title to one of my latest messages is ”Y.S.I.N.H.” This is not Hebrew, it just means that Your Situation Is Not Hopeless!! Regardless what you may be facing, there is hope in the Word and the God of the Word! God still has a plan for your life and it is... "good, to give you a future and a hope."
In the day we live there is lots of “trash” talk going around. You hear it at the store, at work and on the news. I thought I would like to be the bearer of good news, Jesus is still the same yesterday, today and forever. He is not worried about the economy or how He will meet your needs. We sometimes forget that it is according to His riches in Glory in Christ Jesus!
Faith in the Word still pleases God. He still rewards it. If you will keep doing what you are suppose to according to the Word, God will still do His part. He doesn’t have a shortage, there is no recession in Heaven!! If you are thinking that is only good for those that are in Heaven you must have forgotten that manna came down from Heaven.
Our God is a way maker! Nothing is to difficult for Him. Your Situation Is Not Hopeless! Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. Enjoy the heat and hope you have a great Fourth of July Holiday!
Pastor Lloyd
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June- Word From The Word
I hope that your June is starting out well. We ended May with a very busy day. We had Sunday morning church, 2 o'clock baby shower for Windy Holcomb, 4 o'clock grave side for a good friend and MCC member,Fred Jones and then at 5:30 we returned to church and feed the family. Thanks to all that had a part in blessing this family with a good meal,love and prayers.
We have been talking the last two Sundays on how real that our God is. He is not some kind of a made up character that doesn't exist. He is real and He really can be envolved in your life. I believe He wants to be envolved in every area of our lives.
When is the last time that you talked to God as you would a person in you presence? Is He that real to you? As we get older we are accused of talking to ourselves. I guess i am guilty as charged, but sometimes i just like to talk to God out loud. I don't think that is a sign of being old as much as an awareness of His ever presence.
I don't know what you may be going through today but i do know that God will be a part of it if you wil allow Him to be.
I think He longs to be welcomed into your life, every area of your life. If it concerns you then He is concerned as well. So take time to talk to God today. He is as close as the mention of His name. God bless you and have a great June.
Pastor Lloyd
We have been talking the last two Sundays on how real that our God is. He is not some kind of a made up character that doesn't exist. He is real and He really can be envolved in your life. I believe He wants to be envolved in every area of our lives.
When is the last time that you talked to God as you would a person in you presence? Is He that real to you? As we get older we are accused of talking to ourselves. I guess i am guilty as charged, but sometimes i just like to talk to God out loud. I don't think that is a sign of being old as much as an awareness of His ever presence.
I don't know what you may be going through today but i do know that God will be a part of it if you wil allow Him to be.
I think He longs to be welcomed into your life, every area of your life. If it concerns you then He is concerned as well. So take time to talk to God today. He is as close as the mention of His name. God bless you and have a great June.
Pastor Lloyd
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Calling All Married Couples!!

Don't Miss This New Video Series In The Young Adult Sunday School Class:
"Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" -Complete DVD Seminar
with Pastor Mark Gungor
First series entitled, "The Tale of Two Brains1"
For more info. call: 903-322-2300
Or e-mail Pastor Cheryl
Thursday, April 30, 2009
May Word From The Word- "You Are Special"
Happy May 2009!
On a Wednesday night teaching, I talked about being special. I want you to know that you are special to God. It doesn’t matter from where you have come or even where you are at the present time, God’s love for you is steadfast. He is not a moody God and does He have "favorites". If you are Born Again then YOU are His favorite.
I have heard it said that we are all people of God. Well, as people, we are not all His children. That privilege only comes to those who chose to accept Him into their life. Once you have, then you are special because you are now one of His kids.
As Children of God, we have an inheritance. The Bible says that we are heirs of God and joint heirs through Jesus. It tells us that we have become the righteousness of God. That means that you are made right by Him. It is not something that you did, but what He did when you were Born Again.
I love all the children of our church, I really do, but the ones that belong to me, well.... you know what I mean! So it is with our God! He loves all people, but there is something special about His kids. Are you one of His? Then you are special, highly favored and blessed!
P. Lloyd
On a Wednesday night teaching, I talked about being special. I want you to know that you are special to God. It doesn’t matter from where you have come or even where you are at the present time, God’s love for you is steadfast. He is not a moody God and does He have "favorites". If you are Born Again then YOU are His favorite.
I have heard it said that we are all people of God. Well, as people, we are not all His children. That privilege only comes to those who chose to accept Him into their life. Once you have, then you are special because you are now one of His kids.
As Children of God, we have an inheritance. The Bible says that we are heirs of God and joint heirs through Jesus. It tells us that we have become the righteousness of God. That means that you are made right by Him. It is not something that you did, but what He did when you were Born Again.
I love all the children of our church, I really do, but the ones that belong to me, well.... you know what I mean! So it is with our God! He loves all people, but there is something special about His kids. Are you one of His? Then you are special, highly favored and blessed!
P. Lloyd
Monday, March 9, 2009
Marching Along
As we enter into the middle of March, how great it would be to march into all that God has in store for us. I was reading in Psalm 5:12 how that God says He surrounds the righteous with favor as with a shield.
Think about that, right now you are surrounded with God's favor. Reguardless which way you turn, there His favor is made available to you.
Our part is to believe that this is true because His word says it is.You may not look or feel favored at the moment but your faith in His word can cause things to turn around.
Declare this with me in faith,"Lord I choose to walk in your favor,Your benefits, blessings, and favor surround me. I will not worry, be afraid, or be stressed.Your word declares that you are for me, then who or what can overcome me."
Think about that, right now you are surrounded with God's favor. Reguardless which way you turn, there His favor is made available to you.
Our part is to believe that this is true because His word says it is.You may not look or feel favored at the moment but your faith in His word can cause things to turn around.
Declare this with me in faith,"Lord I choose to walk in your favor,Your benefits, blessings, and favor surround me. I will not worry, be afraid, or be stressed.Your word declares that you are for me, then who or what can overcome me."
Monday, February 16, 2009
Miracle Christian Center- Cuba
MCC along with David George Ministries bult a church in Revolico, Cuba! In a city of over 24,000 people, Miracle Christian Center- Cuba is thriving!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Don't Get Confused
Hello Blessed Ones
I hope this new year has started out in your favor. Even if it hasn’t I am glad to tell you that it’s not over yet so don’t give up on your victory. I preached a message entitled, “Don’t Get Confused”. A lot of people seem to be in the days we live.
I want to remind you that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. Even if things are not looking great for you at the moment, you are still WHO God says that you are.
Don’t get confused into thinking that you are any less than what he says. Psalm 103, verses one thru five remind us not to forget that we have benefits already set up for us through what Jesus has already done.
Remember that you do have an enemy, an adversary that looks for someone that he can devour. Make up your mind that it won’t be you. Jesus defeated the enemy with the written Word and it still has the ability to do the same for you when you speak it out of your mouth with faith in the power of His Word.
Read Galatians 6:9 and see the importance of your not giving up during adverse times. If this message helps you then pray about getting it into the hands of someone else and let it encourage them. May His best always be at you house.
Pastor Lloyd
I hope this new year has started out in your favor. Even if it hasn’t I am glad to tell you that it’s not over yet so don’t give up on your victory. I preached a message entitled, “Don’t Get Confused”. A lot of people seem to be in the days we live.
I want to remind you that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. Even if things are not looking great for you at the moment, you are still WHO God says that you are.
Don’t get confused into thinking that you are any less than what he says. Psalm 103, verses one thru five remind us not to forget that we have benefits already set up for us through what Jesus has already done.
Remember that you do have an enemy, an adversary that looks for someone that he can devour. Make up your mind that it won’t be you. Jesus defeated the enemy with the written Word and it still has the ability to do the same for you when you speak it out of your mouth with faith in the power of His Word.
Read Galatians 6:9 and see the importance of your not giving up during adverse times. If this message helps you then pray about getting it into the hands of someone else and let it encourage them. May His best always be at you house.
Pastor Lloyd
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Godly Wisdom
I hope this New Year has gotten off good to a good start for you!
I have been teaching on the subject of Godly Wisdom. I believe that this is one of the greastest assets that we can have in this day we live. In Proverbs, we are told, "happy is the man that finds wisdom...her proceeds are better than gold, silver or rubies."
Once you become established in the Wisdom of God, the Word declares that you will never be shaken. You will be confident in your decisions and directions that you take in life.
In the Book of James, we read that if you ask for wisdom, God will give it liberally. It goes on to say we must ask in faith believing that we recieve it and it will be given to us.
Maybe you need to ask God for His wisdom in a matter. He can and will give it to you if you ask in faith and then be ready to act on his ways. 1st Corinthians tells us that we have received the mind of Christ that we can be instructed by Him.
Begin thanking Him for His wisdom and declaring that your steps are ordered of the Lord. His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.
Pastor Lloyd
I have been teaching on the subject of Godly Wisdom. I believe that this is one of the greastest assets that we can have in this day we live. In Proverbs, we are told, "happy is the man that finds wisdom...her proceeds are better than gold, silver or rubies."
Once you become established in the Wisdom of God, the Word declares that you will never be shaken. You will be confident in your decisions and directions that you take in life.
In the Book of James, we read that if you ask for wisdom, God will give it liberally. It goes on to say we must ask in faith believing that we recieve it and it will be given to us.
Maybe you need to ask God for His wisdom in a matter. He can and will give it to you if you ask in faith and then be ready to act on his ways. 1st Corinthians tells us that we have received the mind of Christ that we can be instructed by Him.
Begin thanking Him for His wisdom and declaring that your steps are ordered of the Lord. His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.
Pastor Lloyd
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