Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June- Word From The Word

I hope that your June is starting out well. We ended May with a very busy day. We had Sunday morning church, 2 o'clock baby shower for Windy Holcomb, 4 o'clock grave side for a good friend and MCC member,Fred Jones and then at 5:30 we returned to church and feed the family. Thanks to all that had a part in blessing this family with a good meal,love and prayers.

We have been talking the last two Sundays on how real that our God is. He is not some kind of a made up character that doesn't exist. He is real and He really can be envolved in your life. I believe He wants to be envolved in every area of our lives.

When is the last time that you talked to God as you would a person in you presence? Is He that real to you? As we get older we are accused of talking to ourselves. I guess i am guilty as charged, but sometimes i just like to talk to God out loud. I don't think that is a sign of being old as much as an awareness of His ever presence.

I don't know what you may be going through today but i do know that God will be a part of it if you wil allow Him to be.

I think He longs to be welcomed into your life, every area of your life. If it concerns you then He is concerned as well. So take time to talk to God today. He is as close as the mention of His name. God bless you and have a great June.

Pastor Lloyd

1 comment:

Cheryl L. said...

Good Message! Thanks for always feeding us the Word of faith!