Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April- Word From The Word

I hope you are enjoying the Spring like weather that we are having. I love this time of year when everything seems to come alive again. Just a few short weeks ago things looked to be dead forever.

I would have loved being around on the day that Jesus raised up from the grave. When they placed Him in the tomb they knew He was dead. On the third day when they went to the tomb, He was not there!

The angel said, “why do you seek the living among the dead, He is not here He is risen!” That makes me shout a little, He is not here, He is risen. I have never been to the tomb, I don’t have to in order to know that it is empty.

I did however have to make my way to the cross one day many years ago. O, I never saw the real cross that Jesus hung on for me, but with my faith in the Word of God I showed up there and realized what Jesus had done on it was for me and because of me.

He did not have to give His life for me, but He chose to. I did not have to give my life to Him, but I chose to. At that time I was dead to, spiritually speaking. Then suddenly, just as everything now is coming back to life, I came alive in Him.

Regardless what seasons that I face in life, He keeps me alive and well. With the strength and ability to overcome and to always rise up the victor. I am so glad that He is not still on the cross, nor can He be found in the tomb, but if you look beyond my outward flaws as a person and look inside my heart, you will find where He abides.

I hope you have a great Easter and that you remember that Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Pastor Lloyd

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