Hello, hope yall are doing good. I was studying about Elijah and how he told King Ahab to get going before he got stuck in the mud.!
You see there had been a drought for three and a half years. He goes to the mountain to pray, and tells his servant to go look toward the sea. He comes back and says, their is nothing!
How many of us would give up after that? He didn't, he told him to go again, still nothing. Finally after SEVEN times he returns and says to Elijah. " Don't get real excited, but I did see a small cloud about the size of a mans hand coming up out of the sea!"
Elijah said that's it! About that time, the wind started blowing, the clouds darken, and the rain started to fall.
The point to this is, don't ever give up on God! Stay confident in Him, He hears you when you pray. Stay steady, unmoving, refusing to give up until you see it come to past. Don't allow time to change your mind! P Lloyd
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Super Prayer Sunday
We are so excited about an upcoming event on Super Bowl Sunday @ MCC! We are calling it
"Super Prayer Sunday- Expect VICTORY In Your Game!"
We will be dedicating a special time in our morning service to pray over anyone with a need or any prayer needs we receive(request will remain confidential).

If you have a special need that you would like our church family to agree with you in prayer about or you know someone that needs prayer, please join us on this special day. Prayer request may also be mailed to:
Miracle Christian Center- POBOX 906 Buffalo, Tx 75831
or e-mail us: prayer@miraclechristiancenter.org
For more information, call our church office at (903)322-2300
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wednesday Weapon 12.21.11
James 5:16 ....t"he effective,fervent prayer of a righteous man
avails much."
Prayer is one of the most powerful privileges that we have as
believers. The Amplified version tells us that the prayers of the righteous,
cause tremendous power to be made available, dynamic in its working.
Dynamics means that it can cause explosive power to be made available. Do you have
anything that you would like to,”blow up” in your life? To see it gone, and have
no more effect upon you? To blow up sickness, fear, worry, lack, or any other
thing that has come against you?
anything that you would like to,”blow up” in your life? To see it gone, and have
no more effect upon you? To blow up sickness, fear, worry, lack, or any other
thing that has come against you?
God says that the prayers of the righteous have that kind of
power at hand. Don’t you ever think that prayer is some kind of powerless way of
just crying out to God in desperation. No, prayers prayed fervently, heart felt,
with expectancy can cause things to happen.
You may have been told that it is to late. That is not true! Don’t you for a second give up on the power of our God!
If you have a situation going on in your life, pray right now, release dynamic power
through your faith in a loving, caring God.
Thank you Father for the power of prayer. It is a privilege
that we have as Believers. We believe nothing is to hard for you. Thank you for
hearing us when we pray, Thank you for tremendous power being released on our
through your faith in a loving, caring God.
Thank you Father for the power of prayer. It is a privilege
that we have as Believers. We believe nothing is to hard for you. Thank you for
hearing us when we pray, Thank you for tremendous power being released on our
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wednesday Weapon 12.7.11
Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are you saved through faith, it is a gift of
One of the things that I am so grateful for is the Grace of God. God is so good to us, even when we don't deserve it. I know sometimes that he blesses us inspite of us, and not because of us.
Grace is comonly known as Gods unmerited, or undeserved favor in our lives. Even our Salvation is a gift from God. There was nothing we could do to save ourselves. God loved us enough to send His Son to die for us. He says that He surrounds us with favor. Favor is a gift from God, you don't earn it, it is freely given.
I like what the Message Bible says about grace,"Its Gods gift from start to finish"! Salvation and all the benefits that come with it was His idea from start to finish. Our part is to believe His Word to be true. You don't earn Gods gift of grace, if you did, it would be a payment to you. It would no longer be a gift.
Thank God any one can receive the free gift of salvation. We can also receive the free gift of God's grace. It was His idea from start to finish!
Thank you Father for Your Grace that You have given to us. We are not trying to earn it, we just by faith in Your Word, receive it. Thank you for all the benefits that we have as your children. Thank you that it was Your idea, from start to finish.
One of the things that I am so grateful for is the Grace of God. God is so good to us, even when we don't deserve it. I know sometimes that he blesses us inspite of us, and not because of us.
Grace is comonly known as Gods unmerited, or undeserved favor in our lives. Even our Salvation is a gift from God. There was nothing we could do to save ourselves. God loved us enough to send His Son to die for us. He says that He surrounds us with favor. Favor is a gift from God, you don't earn it, it is freely given.
I like what the Message Bible says about grace,"Its Gods gift from start to finish"! Salvation and all the benefits that come with it was His idea from start to finish. Our part is to believe His Word to be true. You don't earn Gods gift of grace, if you did, it would be a payment to you. It would no longer be a gift.
Thank God any one can receive the free gift of salvation. We can also receive the free gift of God's grace. It was His idea from start to finish!
Thank you Father for Your Grace that You have given to us. We are not trying to earn it, we just by faith in Your Word, receive it. Thank you for all the benefits that we have as your children. Thank you that it was Your idea, from start to finish.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday Weapon 11.16.11
I Corinthians 15: 57 & 58...thanks be to god that gives us
the victory through Jesus Christ
Victory comes as a result of some kind of opposition. We overcome it, we get through it, because of God’s help in our lives.
the victory through Jesus Christ
Victory comes as a result of some kind of opposition. We overcome it, we get through it, because of God’s help in our lives.
The next verse begins with, therefore. "Therefore be steadfast, immovable and always
abounding in the work of the Lord."
abounding in the work of the Lord."
During the process of overcoming, we have a part to play. We
are not to be full of doubt and fear. We are to be abounding, declaring the
power of the Word of God. Expecting that at any moment our victory will show
are not to be full of doubt and fear. We are to be abounding, declaring the
power of the Word of God. Expecting that at any moment our victory will show
The Amplified says, "always being superior, excelling, doing
more than enough." We sometimes wonder, are we doing enough? The Word tells us we
should be doing more than enough.
I always say, “Do what you know to do”!. The key is in doing, knowing alone is not enough. Faith without works is dead.
The scripture says, thanks be to God, so begin by thanking Him for your victory, your overcoming. Being thankful to Him for always leading you to a place of victory. As your praise goes up, His power can come down!
P Lloyd
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wednesday Weapon 11.2.11
I Samuel 29:6/8...shall I pursue? Yes persue, and you shall recover all.
I am doing a part two on," Shall I Persue?". Have you ever put forth a lot of energy to pursue something that you later wished that you had not? Kind of like a dog chasing cars, and then one day he catches it, and it turned out to be a bad thing.
Some things we are to pursue in life. It is always good to know that God has your back. If you are pursuing things that He says you can have, then He will help you to acheive those things.
You have every right to pursue health, joy, peace and strength because of His Word that promises it is yours.
You have a right to have abundant life, to have a great day today, to expect blessings and to be a blessing.
David ask of the Lord, "shall I persue"? Maybe you need to inquire of the Lord in areas of your life that you are not sure what to do. He always has knows what is right for you.
Thank you Father for Your Word that allows me to know some things that are already mine, that I have a right to. For those things that I need Your wisdom and guidance, thank you for directing me in the ways that I need to go.
I am doing a part two on," Shall I Persue?". Have you ever put forth a lot of energy to pursue something that you later wished that you had not? Kind of like a dog chasing cars, and then one day he catches it, and it turned out to be a bad thing.
Some things we are to pursue in life. It is always good to know that God has your back. If you are pursuing things that He says you can have, then He will help you to acheive those things.
You have every right to pursue health, joy, peace and strength because of His Word that promises it is yours.
You have a right to have abundant life, to have a great day today, to expect blessings and to be a blessing.
David ask of the Lord, "shall I persue"? Maybe you need to inquire of the Lord in areas of your life that you are not sure what to do. He always has knows what is right for you.
Thank you Father for Your Word that allows me to know some things that are already mine, that I have a right to. For those things that I need Your wisdom and guidance, thank you for directing me in the ways that I need to go.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday Weapon 10.26.11
I Timothy
6:12..."fight the good fight of faith."
What determines a good fight? I guess it could be whether you win or loose, but Paul in several places talks about the, fight of faith.
How do you fight with faith? The fight is to stay in faith. It is easy to
get into the natural part of the fight, instead of standing on the Word of God,
and allowing Him to fight the battle. Your part is to believe that God has your
back, according to the Word. Not just because you
think you are right, but because you have His Word to
stand on. If you have a promise from His Word, then why give up on the victory,
that will ultimately be yours. Paul said, that what God has promised, He is also
able to perform.
Thank you Father that Your Word is truth. I can
stand on Your Word in faith, trusting and believing that you have my back. Say
that out loud, "God has my back!" You might want to say that several times a
day. That is a great thing to know. Regardless of the problems you face, if you
have the Word of God on it, you have a right to fight, stay in faith and get the
P Lloyd
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